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Brinkhoff A, Zeng Y, Sieberichs A, Dolff S, Shilei X, Sun M, Engler H, Benson S, Korth J, Schedlowski M, Kribben A, Witzke O, Wilde B (2019). B cell dynamics during experimental endotoxemia in humans. Biosci Rep. 39: BSR20182347
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Benson S, Siebert C, Koenen LR, Engler H, Kleine-Borgmann J, Bingel U, Icenhour A, Elsenbruch S (2019). Cortisol affects pain sensitivity and pain-related emotional learning in experimental visceral but not somatic pain: A randomized-controlled study in healthy men and women. Pain. 160: 1719-1728.
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Kahl AL, Kirchhof J, Petrakova L, Müller J, Laubrock J, Brinkhoff A, Unteroberdörster M, Benson S, Wilde B, Witzke O, Schedlowski M (2018). Are Adverse Events Induced by the Acute Administration of Calcineurin Inhibitor Cyclosporine A Behaviorally Conditioned in Healthy Male Volunteers? Clin Ther. 40: 1868-1877.
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Hadamitzky M, Sondermann W, Benson S, Schedlowski M(2018). Placebo Effects in the Immune System. Int Rev Neurobiol. 138: 39-59.
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Kruger THC, Deiter F, Zhang Y, Jung S, Schippert C, Kahl KG, Heinrichs M, Schedlowski M, Hartmann U (2018). Effects of Intranasal Oxytocin Administration on Sexual Functions in Healthy Women: A Laboratory Paradigm. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 38: 239-242.
Hadamitzky M, Herring A, Kirchhof J, Bendix I, Haight MJ, Keyvani K, Lückemann L, Unteroberdörster M, Schedlowski M (2018). Repeated Systemic Treatment with Rapamycin Affects Behavior and Amygdala Protein Expression in Rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 21: 592-602.
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Engler H, Elsenbruch S, Rebernik L, Köcke J, Cramer H, Schöls M, Langhorst J (2018). Stress burden and neuroendocrine regulation of cytokine production in patients with ulcerative colitis in remission. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 98: 101-107.
Labrenz F, Ferri F, Wrede C, Forsting M, Schedlowski M, Engler H, Elsenbruch S, Benson S, Costantini M (2018). Altered temporal variance and functional connectivity of BOLD signal is associated with state anxiety during acute systemic inflammation. Neuroimage. 184: 916-924.
Krajewski C, Benson S, Elsenbruch S, Schadendorf D, Livingstone E (2018). Predictors of quality-of-life melanoma patients four years after diagnosis: Results of a nation-wide cohort study in Germany. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 6: 734-753.
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